Compassion Projects
Tailoring Training Centers
- $125.00 - the cost to purchase one sewing machine
Bridge of Love is opening Tailoring Training Centers in India. We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead! We are targeting the poorest of the poor mainly in unreached villages. The idea is to train and equip those in extreme poverty with the skill of tailoring so that they can in turn begin to make a living to provide for their families. Their dignity will be restored as people contributing to society and not those who are forced to beg for their daily bread.
We hire excellent instructors who teach the students to sew with excellence and upon graduation we present them with their own sewing machine so they can immediately begin to generate income. We also use this opportunity to share the Gospel and show them the love of a Savior who gave His life for them! It's exciting to see the transformation that takes place in their lives! s
Matthew 25:40 tells us that “…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for Me.”